When you are considering your gardening, most will automatically assume that compost is the way to go, however this is because not many of us understand the difference between compost and high-quality topsoil. Find out more about topsoil and its benefits by reading below.
What Is Topsoil?
If you dig down through a section of your garden soil, you would see that the topsoil is relatively shallow. It is, however, the layer of the soil out of which all of your garden plants grow. Topsoil contains everything you would find in your garden soil, including nutrients for your plants and organic matter.
What Is Topsoil Used For?
Topsoil is great for adding depth to shallow garden soil, making new planting areas and improving the quality of your existing garden soil, as well as providing a healthy base for a new lawn.
Advantages Of Topsoil
There is no doubt that compost has more nutrients than topsoil, however, topsoil still contains the nutrients that plants need as well as retaining its structure and holds much more moisture for much longer than compost does, as well as for the most part being much cheaper than compost.
Can Topsoil And Compost Be Mixed?
Mixing topsoil and compost is a good way to create your own potting compost, it will stay moist for much longer than compost on its own because of the way in which topsoil retains moisture.
Is Compost Ever A Better Choice Than Topsoil?
When plants are grown in pots, they have less access to nutrients than those planted directly into the soil. The more crowded a pot – for example, a summer hanging basket – the less nutrients are available for each plant. Compost is better than topsoil for these situations because it has more organic matter, added nutrients and often a slow-release fertiliser.
How Can I Buy Topsoil?
Topsoil can be purchased in different amounts to suit all projects. At UPH Grab Hire we can deliver topsoil to any address in any amount small or large.
If you need a topsoil delivery in Liverpool or the surrounding areas, then contact UPH Grab Hire today – 074328 35211